
Polish & English
Language Corpora
for Research
& Applications

COST Action IS0906: Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies


The main objective of this Action is to advance state-of-the-art knowledge of the key transformations of European audiences within a changing media and communication environment, identifying their interrelationships with the social, cultural and political areas of European societies.

The Action coordinates research efforts into the key transformations of European audiences within a changing media and communication environment, identifying their complex interrelationships with the social, cultural and political areas of European societies. The Action offers a perspective which is different from that of conventional ICT-focused audience research, by

(a) bringing together experts who study a wide range of media, ‘old’ mass media included, to understand how these relate to each other and to everyday life, and

(b) paying equal attention to audience-focused issues (especially media interpretations and mediated experiences) and user-focused issues (both adoption and use of technologies).

The Action benefits the scientific and education communities, to media, communication and ICT industries and professionals, to policy-makers and regulatory bodies, and to media-oriented NGOs and citizen initiatives.

List of  publications:

  1. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (2011). ”Transcultural Patterns in Communication”. In : Adam Bednarek & Iwona Witczak-Plisiecka (eds.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Communication Studies. Lodz : Wyższa Szkoła Studiów Międzynarodowych. 7-22.
  2. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (2011). ”Events as they are”. In: Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.) Turning Points in the Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Frankfurt a. Main: Peter Lang. 35-63.
  3. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (2011). “Nowe wyzwania w jakościowej i ilościowej metodologii analizy języka”. Bulletin de La Société Polonaise de Linguistique [Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego] LXVII. 141-165.
  4. Blurring the boundaries : A Model of Online Computer-Mediated Communication Activities (OCA) InterCom ed. A. Bednarek, w druku
  5. Deckert M., (2011). Towards an axiological picture of the EU –evidence  from a Polish TV news corpus, [w:] Explorations across Languages and Corpora, Goźdź-Roszkowski S., Peter Lang, 261 –.
  6. Venuti M., de Candia S., Deckert M., Ropers Ch. (in print) Legitimated Persons and Vox Populi attitudes towards Europe in French, Italian, Polish and UK TV news, [in:] European Identity. What the Media Say, Bayley P., Williams G., Oxford University Press.
  7. de Candia S., Deckert M., Venuti M. (in print) Europe and the EU in British, Italian and Polish  TV News Programmes, [w:] Łódź Studies in Language –Practical Applications in Language and Computers, Pęzik P., Peter Lang.
  8. Waliński, Jacek. 2011. “The WebCEF e-platform in testing learners’oral proficiency across Europe.”. In: Adam Bednarek and Iwona Witczak Plisiecka (eds.). 2011 Interdisciplinary approaches to communication studies. Łódź: Wydawnictwo WSSM.
  9. Waliński, Jacek. 2010. “E-Learning”. In: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (ed.) 2010 New ways to language. Łódź: Wydawnictwo UŁ.
  10. Mikołaj Deckert “Language structure and meaning in English-to-Polish subtitling” (Struktura języka a znaczenie w przekładzie filmów anglojęzycznych w formie napisów w języku polskim), paraca doktorska, w przygotowaniu
  11. Dróżdż, Łukasz „Multilingual lexico-syntactic patterns in ontology extraction”,  MA thesis.


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