A subset of the PELCRA Polish parallel corpora licensed under the CC-BY license. This resource contains 17 public-domain literary works and their English-Polish/Polish-English translations aligned manually at the sentence level.
The texts were downloaded from repositories of public domain literary works (Project Gutenberg,Wikisource and Wolnelektury), converted to a plain text format and pre-sentencized usingmemoQ. All corrections to the segmentation and alignment of the translation with the original were performed manually using memoQ. Care was taken to represent all non-trivial translation equivalence types.
The texts are provided as TEI P5-compliant XML files with custom PELCRA extensions to mark complex translation equivalence types, and in the XLIFF format.
The corpus is available at http://pelcra.pl/resources/parallel/pelcra_lit_1.tgz
The corpus consists of:
Original title | Translation title | Author | Translator | Original words | Translation words |
Villette | Villette | Brontë, Charlotte | Centnerszwerowa, Róża | 20 204 | 21 675 |
Lord Jim | Lord Jim | Conrad, Joseph | Węsławska, Emilia | 101 148 | 75 602 |
A Duet | Duet z przygodnie stosowanym chórem | Doyle, Arthur Conan | Centnerszwerowa, Róża | 64 065 | 45 025 |
The Hound of the Baskervilles | Pies Baskerville’ów | Doyle, Arthur Conan | anonim | 59 012 | 46 420 |
The Hound of the Baskervilles | Pies Baskerville’ów | Doyle, Arthur Conan | Żmijewska, Emilia | 59 019 | 35 858 |
The Jungle Book | Księga Dżungli | Kipling, Rudyard | Birkenmajer, Józef | 50 749 | 51 447 |
The Jungle Book | Księga Dżungli | Kipling, Rudyard | Mirandola, Franciszek | 50 685 | 45 657 |
short stories | opowiadania | Poe, Edgar Allan | Leśmian, Bolesław | 80 894 | 71 191 |
Treasure Island | Wyspa Skarbów | Stevenson, Robert Louis | Birkenmajer, Józef | 67 753 | 60 735 |
Gulliver’s Travels | Podróże Guliwera | Swift, Jonathan | 98 645 | 71 628 | |
The Rose and the Ring | Pierścień i róża | Thackeray, William Makepeace | Rogoszówna, Zofia | 27 720 | 30 121 |
The Adventures of Tom Saywer | Przygody Tomka Sawyera | Twain, Mark | Biliński, Jan | 48 578 | 40 016 |
728 472 | 595 375 | ||||
Faraon | The Pharaoh and the Priest | Prus, Bolesław | Curtin, Jeremiah | 202 981 | 246 844 |
Hania | Hania | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | Curtin, Jeremiah | 37 036 | 44 380 |
Krzyżacy | The Knights of the Cross | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | Binion, Samuel A. | 71 480 | 95 836 |
Latarnik | The Light-House Keeper of Aspinwall | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | Curtin, Jeremiah | 4 635 | 6 078 |
Ogniem i mieczem | With Fire and Sword | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | Curtin, Jeremiah | 248 431 | 299 751 |
Quo Vadis | Quo Vadis | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | Curtin, Jeremiah | 167 383 | 208 075 |
W pustyni i w puszczy | In Desert and Wilderness | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | Drezmal, Max A. | 102 466 | 126 014 |
834 412 | 1 026 978 | ||||
Total | 1 562 884 | 1 622 353 |
The following cases of translation equivalence were marked up during the manual alignment:
All that is told here happened some time before Mowgli was turned out of the Seeonee Wolf Pack, or revenged himself on Shere Khan the tiger. | Wszystko, co tu opowiemy, zdarzyło sią w jakiś czas przedtem, nim Mowgli porzucił Gromadą Wilków Seeoneeńskich i zemścił się na tygrysie Shere Khanie. |
Mother Wolf lay with her big gray nose dropped across her four tumbling, squealing cubs, and the moon shone into the mouth of the cave where they all lived. | Matka-wilczyca leżała z nosem utkwionym w czeredę czworga wilcząt, które ruszały się niespokojnie, piszcząc. |
Przez otwór wejściowy jamy zaglądała pyzata twarz miesiąca. |
At an angle of the ponderous wall frowned a more ponderous gate. | W kącie masywnego muru tkwiły, jak na pokucie, jeszcze masywniejsze drzwi, szczelnie zamknięte, upstrzone zasuwami i zakończone u góry rozkrzewieniem się zębatego żelastwa. |
It was riveted and studded with iron bolts, and surmounted with jagged iron spikes. |
I will go and see dear Giglio this afternoon; and now I will drive to the jeweller’s, to look for the necklace and bracelets. | Po południu wpadnę na momencik do tego biedaka, a teraz pojadę do złotnika wybrać naszyjnik i bransolety. |
— I tak też zrobiła. | |
The Princess went up into her own room, and made Betsinda, her maid, bring out all her dresses. | Królewna Angelika, wróciwszy do swoich apartamentów, zadzwoniła na służącą Rózię i kazała wydobyć z szaf i kufrów wszystkie najzbytkowniejsze stroje, po czym zaczęła je przymierzać. |
He kept to seaports because he was a seaman in exile from the sea, and had Ability in the abstract, which is good for no other work but that of a water-clerk. | Trzymał się morskich portów, gdyż był wygnanym z morza marynarzem, miał zdolności do abstrakcyi, co jest odpowiednie tylko dla pracy kramarza okrętowego. |
He retreated in good order towards the rising sun, and the fact followed him casually but inevitably. | |
Thus in the course of years he was known successively in Bombay, in Calcutta, in Rangoon, in Penang, in Batavia–and in each of these halting-places was just Jim the water-clerk. | Znanym był w Bombaju, Kalkucie, Rangunie, Penang, Batawii — i w tych wszystkich miejscowościach Jim był wodnym kupczykiem. |
“Bagheera,” he shouted, “I am here. | — Jestem, jestem, Bagheero! — nawoływał. |
I climb! | — Biegnę co tchu! |
I haste!” | Wdzieram się na mur. |
One was Mr. Stapleton, a neighbour and intimate friend of Sir Charles’s. | Jednym z nich był Stapleton, sąsiad i bliski przyjaciel sir Karola, człowiek niezmiernej dobroci. |
He was exceedingly kind, and it was through him that Sir Charles learned about my affairs. | Od niego sir Karol dowiedział się o moim położeniu. |
“You are an enthusiast in your line of thought, I perceive, sir, as I am in mine,” said he. | — Jesteś pan entuzjastą w swoim zawodzie, tak jak ja w swoim — odparł detektyw — |
“I observe from your forefinger that you make your own cigarettes. | |
Have no hesitation in lighting one.” | |
The man drew out paper and tobacco and twirled the one up in the other with surprising dexterity. | |
He had long, quivering fingers as agile and restless as the antennae of an insect. | |
Holmes was silent, but his little darting glances showed me the interest which he took in our curious companion. | |
“I presume, sir,” said he at last, “that it was not merely for the purpose of examining my skull that you have done me the honour to call here last night and again today?” | ale sądzę, że nie przybywasz pan tu po raz wtóry jedynie w zamiarze zbadania mojej czaszki. |