
Polish & English
Language Corpora
for Research
& Applications

Past Members

Prof. Anthony McEnry

Head of the English side of the project

Tony McEnery is a graduate of the Lancaster University, where he is the Head of Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language at present. He is also a Member of the Management Board of the Lancaster University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language (UCREL). His research interests are primarily in computational and corpus linguistics, especially in automatic or computer-aided analysis of texts. His publcations include several standard textbooks and numerous papers in those areas. He is the series editor of Edinburgh Textbooks on Empirical Linguistics. Over the years he co-ordinated numerous projects conducted by  industrial and academic institutions, both from the UK and overseas.


Patrick James Melia M.A.

Patrick James Melia M.A.

Administrative Director and the British Council Link

Patrick James Melia M.A. is a graduate of the Institute of Education, London University. He was a British Council funded Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Language, Łódź University. He taught applied linguistics, foreign language teaching methodology and topics in SLA. He has given a number of papers and organised conferences and seminars in these areas. His research interests are in second language learning/acquisition and learner corpora


Dr Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska

Agnieszka Leńko-Szymańska is a graduate of the University of Lodz, where she worked as Adjunct Professor and The Head of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Unit. Her research interests are primarily in psycholinguistics, second language acquisition and corpus linguistics, especially in lexical issues in those fields. She has published a number of papers on the acquisition of second language vocabulary. She teaches applied linguistics, foreign language teaching methodology and topics in psycholinguisitcs and SLA.


L. Eric Levin, B.S.

Programmer, Database Administrator and Data Modeler

Eric Levin is a graduate of the University of Oregon. He was responsible for modeling the PELCRA corpus data as well as maintaining and administering databases. He was also responsible for developing the web applications for the PELCRA project. His main interests also include voice recognition, VoiceXML, and Speech Grammars.


Mgr Rafał Uzar

Rafal Uzar is a both a graduate of Lancaster University and the Department of English Language at the University of Lodz where he is now a senior lecturer. He is a member of the departmental TEFL Unit. His research interests are in corpus-aided translation, automated translation tools as well as problems in learner English. He is also responsible for organizing and coordinating several international conferences on corpora, computers and linguistics.


Dr Krzysztof Kredens

Forensic Linguistics

Krzysztof Kredens received his MA in English Studies and PhD in English Linguistics from the University of Lodz. He is now Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics, Łódź University. His academic interests include oral discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and social applications of linguistics. Krzysztof’s main research interest lies with language and the law, as evidenced by his numerous publications and conference papers in the area. Krzysztof is on the Executive Board of the International Association of Forensic Linguists, and is Course Director on the International Summer School in Forensic Linguistic Analysis
