This page lists downloadable resources and tools developed within the PLEC project.
Please cite the following paper when using the following resources in your research: Pęzik, Piotr. “Towards the PELCRA Learner English Corpus.” In Corpus Data across Languages and Disciplines, edited by Piotr Pęzik, 28:33–42. Łódź Studies in Language. Peter Lang, 2012.
After you click on one of the links you will be redirected to a download form (only 3 fields are required, so please bear with me). After submitting this form you will be redirected back to this page with the download links activated... Questions or problems related to these tools and resources can be addressed to
a) A list of manually annotated instances of 'mispronounced words' identified in the spoken subcomponent of the corpus
b) The spoken component of the PLEC corpus, including annotations and recordings of interviews with Polish speakers of English. An interemediate version is currently available for download.
c) A list of manually annotated errors identified in samples of the written component of the corpus. More than 5000 errors were identified and classified according to the taxonomy proposed by MacDonald and Lightbound (2005).
d) Phrases-0.1 - an n-gram extraction and analysis tool. PLEC Spoken Component as plain text.